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Her er nok en fagfellevurdert forskningsrapport som bekrefter at arealet på Kiribati vokser og at havnivået lokalt ikke viser truende stigning. Forfatteren er Albert Parker.
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The sea levels of Kiribati have been stable over the last few decades, as elsewhere in the world. The Australian government funded Pacific Sea Level Monitoring (PSLM) project has adjusted sea level records to produce an unrealistic rising trend. Some information has been hidden or neglected, especially from sources of different management. The measured monthly average mean sea levels suffer from subsidence or manipulation resulting in a tilting from the about 0 (zero) mm/year of nearby tide gauges to 4 (four) mm/year over the same short time window. Real environmental problems are driven by the increasing local population leading to troubles including scarcity of water, localized sinking and localised erosion.
It is shown how the Betio tide gauge managed by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology as part of the Pacific Sea Level Monitoring Project is providing results at odd with the longer tide gauges recording under a different management, as Christmas Island II and Christmas Island, or Kanton Island B and Kanton Island, all neglected in the latest assessment of sea level rise in Kiribati, same of the oldest tide gauges nearby Betio in the same atoll of Tarawa. The alarmist claim is also at odd with the accumulating evidence that surface area of the islands is expanding.