Professor Johannes Krüger holdt tidligere i sommer et klimaforedrag i Oslo og ble deretter tatt opp i Klimarealistenes Vitenskapelige Råd. Her er teksten fra hans engelskspråklige CV som viser hans utdanning, karriere, akademiske verv og studieinteresser. Redaksjonen og styret i Klimarealistene ønsker Johannes Krüger hjertelig velkommen til rådet.
Education and university degrees
M.Sc. in geography and geology, University of Copenhagen (UC) (first class with destinction) 1969. Dr.Sc. (Habilitation) in glacial geomorphology and sedimentology, UC, 1994. Scientific diploma Hans Egede Medal award, the Royal Danish Geographical Society, 1996.
Assistant professor, Department of Geography, UC. 1970-1974. Associate professor in geomorphology, Department of Geography, UC. 1974-2002. Evaluated full professor-competent, UC, 1996. Professor in glacial geomorphology, Department of Geography and Geology, UC 2002-2008. Professor emeritus, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, UC since 2009
Research interests
Research on the climate-processes-sediments-landforms interactions in modern glacial environments – past and present with study areas in Iceland, Greenland, and Svalbard – and comparative studies in palaeo-glaciated regions in Denmark.
Administration within university environments (selected)
Chairman of the Study Board, Department of Geography, 1977-78, 1981-83, 1986-88. Chairman of the Ph.D. Study Committee, Department of Geography, 1996-99, 2002-03. Vice-chairman of the PhD Study Board at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, 1996-99. Chairman of the PhD Study Board at the Faculty of Science, 2002-07.
Other experiences and appointments (selected)
Danish delegate, the Nordic Geo-Excursions to Iceland steering board (the Nordic Council of Ministers), 1974-91. The scientific committee of the Danish Environmental Protection Society, 1981-88. Secretary of the national committee for International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 1987-94. President of the national committee for INQUA, 1994-99, and member of five working groups within INQUA. Secretary of the national committee for the International Geographical Union (IGU), 2003-07. Evaluation panel member of the European Commission programme committee in Brussel, 1995-97. Scientific secretary in connection with elaboration of the Research Strategy Plan 2002-06. Ministry of Research. Member of the advisory board – the Norwegian Scientific Research Council, 2002-05. Adviser to the National Forest and Nature Agency, Ministry of Environment. Member of the Royal Danish Geographical Society advisory board, since 2004. Evaluation panel member – the Swedish Scientific Research Council, 2007. Member of CLEXIT (climate exit) since 2015.
Consultant and editorial work (selected)
Author, advisor, and guest editor to the publisher Gyldendal, Denmark, 1985-2015. Editor in chief. The Danish Journal of Geography. 2004-07. Book editor and author. The Mýrdalsjökull Ice Cap, Iceland: Glacial Processes, Sediments and Landforms on an Active Volcano. ELSEVIER. Since 2006-2010. Feature writer and lecturer in great request. The author of the book «Klimamyten – et opgør med tidens CO2-panik».(People´sPress 2016)
Det var interessant å høre Johannes Krugers fremstilling og spesielt det han sa om Milankovic’s sykluser og Henrik Svensmarks teori. De to forhold er lite kjent blant vanlige folk. Er det kanskje kontroversielt, og derfor også så lite omtalt av faglig tunge deltakere?
Klimarealistenes Vitenskapelige Råd får med dette enda mer tyngde i sin faglige kurv. Så tung er den vel for lengst at uttalelser fra dette rådet burde veie tungt også for uvitende og likeglade politikere. Den vitenskapelige sannhet har ikke slått rot i politiske kretser, hvilket er beklagelig, og hvilket dessverre er nødvendig hvis det enormt kostbare og unyttige hysteriske hykleriet skal komme til en ende.